
Since the book was officially released on the winter solstice of 2023, we have been experiencing a massive interest in Giftnålen. Due to our limited storage possibilities we can't have storage of hundreds of books in advance, but we order them in batches of 50 books or more once we begin to run out of copies. It usually takes around 4-5 business days for them to arrive to our headquarters. 
For the time of being we are only two persons working with this on part-time basis so please have patience. We could never have anticipated such demand existed for a book dealing with such marginalized subject matters, but you have our most humble gratitude for this.

In end of January 2024 the book will be available from a few other retailers such as Norma Evangelium Diaboli (France), Timeless Editions (France), Millstone Vinyl (Sweden), Cold Spring (UK) and others. Ajna Offensive (USA) are still the main distributor.